Two Elements of an Effective Sabbatical

My husband is a pastor. As someone who works in the ministry field, a sabbatical is a common practice in his world. It’s also becoming more common in the corporate world for top-level executives and I think that’s an incredible shift in workplace culture.

Many of you might be unfamiliar with a sabbatical, so let’s break it down. The way I see it, a sabbatical has two elements:

  1. Rest
  2. Education

That’s it. It’s really that simple. But let’s uncover those two elements a bit more because being intentional with rest and education is the key to a successful sabbatical.

Let’s actually start with the second element, education. I am a firm believer that sabbatical time should be a time where you are working to better yourself and that almost always means education!

As business owners, we always have that next “big idea”. The problem is, we never seem to have the time to learn all the ins and outs of what it would take to make that next big idea a reality. A sabbatical is a perfect opportunity to dive into education that focuses on accomplishing your “big idea”.

Maybe it’s a social media strategy for your store. Maybe it’s designing your own bridal line. Maybe it’s becoming a better leader. The options for growth are endless. Think big, think small. Just choose something and keep your focus on that one thing during the duration of your sabbatical. 

The only distraction from education during your sabbatical should be rest. Rest is the first key element of a sabbatical. You must be so, so intentional about taking rest during your sabbatical. Do you know what it looks like for you to rest? It’s different for every person.

For one person rest may be laying on a beach, a cold drink in hand, meeting new friends. For another it may be complete seclusion in the mountains, reading a book. For another it may be exploring a new city or maybe even jumping out of an airplane! There is no right or wrong answer on how to rest. It is simply what brings rest to your soul. What rejuvenates you? What gives you life and fills you up to go back refreshed and ready to take on the world? Do that!

A sabbatical is about you being the best version of yourself. I firmly believe that that is only possible if rest is part of your sabbatical.  

Here’s what sabbatical rest is not about. It’s not about problem-solving. It’s not about packing your day with an endless amount of activities. It’s not even about having a schedule.

Many people mistake a sabbatical for a planning retreat. Nope. That’s different and we will cover that later. A sabbatical is also not a vacation. It’s not just about having fun and honestly, it’s not just about your family or loved ones. A sabbatical is truly about you. Yes, it can and should involve the family in some ways, but it needs to be filled with intentional time that is about you.

A sabbatical is not just for business owners.  A sabbatical is not just for pastors. A sabbatical is for mothers. A sabbatical is for corporate execs. A sabbatical is for all of us. It is a chance to take a break, to take a breath. It’s about reconnecting with yourself. So that way when you return from sabbatical you are re-energized and ready to take on the world. It’s about helping you to be the best you can be!

As you think about taking a sabbatical I do recommend that it is no less than a week, but there are some places where a sabbatical can be up to a couple of months. There is no right or wrong answer here, just make sure you get it on your calendar. And make sure to let me know when you do!

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